
I have a bach­e­lor in com­put­er sci­ence and work with com­put­ers since around 1980. This means that I have been in the field since the begin­nings of micro com­put­ing and have been going through its whole devel­op­ment. Today, I am work­ing as an object ori­ent­ed soft­ware devel­op­er for cor­po­ra­tions in the finance indus­try. My strengths are in the area of serv­er-side appli­ca­tions and mid­dle­ware. I also have a user pro­file on Xing.


I am married.


In some of my spare time I used to be an inter­preter Eng­lish-Ger­man-Eng­lish in John Bel­lic­chi’s sem­i­nars from 1987 to 2010. More infor­ma­tion can be found on John’s Site, or his Port­fo­lio.

Since 2016, I am trans­lat­ing arti­cles for Gate­stone Insti­tute and Israel Aktuell, as well as polit­i­cal texts that I find inter­est­ing. I am pub­lish­ing most of my trans­la­tions on my polit­i­cal blog.

Computer support

Much of my spare time is ded­i­cat­ed to the flaw­less work­ing con­di­tion of com­put­ers. First of all, my own 🙂 but many of my friends rely on me, as well as some cus­tomers. All of this, of course, with fair compensation.


I also take care of this lit­tle blog. But I leave the dai­ly blog­ging to those who have so many impor­tant things to say to the pub­lic. I love the open source blog­ging tool Word­Press and think it is great and pro­fes­sion­al­ly done.


Fur­ther­more, I am also doing con­sul­tan­cy and coun­selling on areas as diverse as com­put­ers and net­work­ing as well as gen­er­al coun­selling on life and rela­tion­ship ques­tions. I do this on Or did so at least in the past few years. I don’t know what hap­pened to the site oper­a­tors, but those pages are many times unreach­able late­ly. Which I find very unfor­tu­nate, because gen­er­al­ly, that site offered a very good qual­i­ty in the ser­vice that it offered. Check this out, too. If you feel I can help you in these areas in any way, please con­tact me. We most cer­tain­ly can arrange for some­thing that suits you.