As men­tionned in a post, I am suf­fer­ing from mas­sive back prob­lems for quite some time. In 2002 I was unable to work for three months due to a slipped disc in the low­er back. In may 2008, the same thing hap­pened again, but luck­i­ly I was able to pick up work after three weeks. On this page, I keep my per­son­al notes about what phys­io­ther­a­peu­ti­cal exer­cis­es I have learnt, which, when per­formed on a reg­u­lar basis, do me good — and I am going to enhance this list from time to time.

The list of exer­cis­es itself is cur­rent­ly only avail­able in ger­man. If there is a need expressed among my read­ers, I will glad­ly trans­late them to english.