I love cats. Almost all my life I always lived with cats in the house. It start­ed with my par­ents in my child­hood, and con­tin­ued lat­er when I found­ed my own house­hold. This page gives tes­ti­mo­ny of my love for cats.

I would like to report about my many dif­fer­ent cats I spent my life with. Nat­u­ral­ly, the inter­est in the issue of the gen­er­al pub­lic will be lim­it­ed. But I just love to indulge in memories… 🙂

  1. I spent the first years of my child­hood with a cat, whose name I have regret­tably for­got­ten. It was breed­ing a num­ber of times, each of which was a big event for me.
  2. Flury is the cat accom­pa­ny­ing me through my teenage years. She was a child of the pre­vi­ous cat. I was told lat­er that I was cling­ing so much to that nice lit­tle kit­ten, that my moth­er decid­ed to euth­a­nize the moth­er cat and to keep Flury. Keep­ing both cats would­n’t work, they did­n’t get along with each oth­er when Flury came of age.
  3. In the first apart­ment I shared with a girl-friend, we were hav­ing two kit­tens, two males. When the rela­tion­ship split up, we shared the two cats and Bruno came with me, the oth­er cat stayed with her. More about Bruno can be found here.[salbum=11,n,n,right]
  4. In the house I lived in with my wife and her two chil­dren, we first had Cae­sar. Alas, he had to be euth­a­nized after rough­ly two years due to hav­ing caught the feline immune defi­cien­cy virus.
  5. After that, we had Lindt and Sprungli, who also sweet­ened our stay in the next big house in Egliswil.
  6. In Egliswil, we lat­er wel­comed Gior­gio and Gianni.
  7. They were replaced by Tin­ka and Tin­kus. More about them here. The Sec­ond part is here.
  8. In Zurich, when liv­ing alone again, I had Max and Meh­di, and, after Meh­di dis­ap­peared after a short while, prob­a­bly tak­en by a fox, came Mki­nousch. Max and Minousch accom­pa­nied me sev­er­al years up to 2007.
  9. After my last move to a new apart­ment with­in Zurich, I got myself the lat­est new­com­ers. Their names are “Caramelle” and “Nougat”.
    As it turns out, the next year, Nougat was run over by a car right in front of the car. 

Oh, and, don’t for­get: Here are dozens more sweet and fun­ny cats to enjoy.