
Gemeinsam gegen Armut — Die Milleniumskampagne

Well, I usu­al­ly am not very polit­i­cal. But recent­ly, some­one point­ed out the mil­le­ni­um cam­paign (“joint effort against pover­ty”) to me. This is the Swiss web­site, this is the Ger­man ver­sion, and here is anoth­er site about it. I think the eight goals of the cam­paign make sense, even if some of the things are dis­putable. For exam­ple, I can’t get rid of the feel­ing, that devel­op­ment aid is futile, except for fill­ing the pock­ets of cor­rupt gov­ern­ment clerks or sup­port­ing orga­nized crime. Nonethe­less, it should be tried over and over, since injus­tice and oppor­tu­ni­ty unequal­ness is still so bla­tant through­out the world.

At least, there is a lit­tle gleam of hope. The elec­tions in the unit­ed states of amer­i­ca that have just come to pass have made the worst repub­li­can par­ty mem­bers lose their pow­er and gives the demo­c­rat par­ty a chance to prove the world, that bet­ter ways are possible.

I rec­om­mend par­tic­i­pat­ing in the mil­le­ni­um cam­paign and sup­port its goals.

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