
Die Band Ganges

My step son Michel is the drum­mer of the band Ganges. I per­son­al­ly like Ganges’ music very much. This is why I want to draw some atten­tion to them here. I am not exact­ly sure if he would agree with my clas­si­fi­ca­tion, but I call their music 1970ies-retro-style. The musi­cians them­selves call it, I think, Space Rock.

Some time ago, Ganges par­tic­i­pat­ed in the “Bat­tle of the Bands” and had gigs in the Abart and the Volk­shaus in Zurich. This video is from the Volkshaus:

Ganges has their own home­page here. They can also be found on myspace. I wish them all the best and good luck!

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