
Anleitung für das Häxehüsli

[simage=104,160,n,right]My friends and rel­a­tives know that (togeth­er with Kurt and Giuseppe) I am hav­ing free access to a lit­tle house up in the moun­tains of Graubun­den. They also know that I glad­ly offer the house for hol­i­day use.

Alas, there are a few things to observe, which are more or less impor­tant, par­tic­u­lar­ly if some­one is there for the first time with­out my company.

There­fore, I just described the most impor­tant facts about that house and its infra­struc­ture on a sep­a­rate page, although it has­n’t been trans­lat­ed yet. Ask me for it if you need it.

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