
Busse mit Foto bezahlt

This sto­ry appeared on Snopes a while ago and I found it fun­ny enough to repub­lish it here.

The sto­ry goes like this:

I heard a news report on Chica­go radio that a guy in Cal­i­for­nia got a speed­ing tick­et that was sent to him via the mail. It was one of those new “cam­era” set-ups that got him, where a cam­era is posi­tioned along the high­way, sans offi­cer. The cam­era took the pic­ture of his speed­ing car & tag num­ber. A let­ter was gen­er­at­ed by a com­put­er & sent to him with the PHOTOGRAPH of his car speed­ing and the date & time of the offense. The let­ter went on to state that he had to send in a fine of $40. The sto­ry went that the guy was so mad that he sent back the let­ter with a PHOTOGRAPH of two (2) $20 bills. A week lat­er he got a let­ter back from the police. He opened up the let­ter and inside was a PHOTOGRAPH of a pair of handcuffs!

This sto­ry is being report­ed as True.

Snopes.com: Cuff Linked

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