
Mein Typ — (VR) Verlässlicher Realist

I did this per­son­al­i­ty test on iPer­son­ic’s web­site, also offered by Face­book. Here is the result: I seem to be a Reli­able Real­ist. This means:

Reli­able Real­ists are down-to-earth and respon­si­ble-mind­ed. They are pre­cise, reserved and demand­ing. Their most promi­nent qual­i­ty is reli­a­bil­i­ty and they will always make every effort to keep any promise giv­en. Reli­able Real­ists are more qui­et and seri­ous per­sons, they do not talk a lot but they are good lis­ten­ers. They some­times seem reserved and dis­tant to out­siders although they often have a great deal of wit and esprit. Their strong points are thor­ough­ness, a marked sense of jus­tice, dogged­ness bor­der­ing on pig­head­ed­ness and a prag­mat­ic, vig­or­ous and pur­pose­ful man­ner. Reli­able Real­ists do not dither about if some­thing has to be done. They do what is nec­es­sary with­out wast­ing words.

You can read the com­plete descrip­tion of what a Reli­able Real­ist con­sti­tutes on iPersonic’s web­site. What per­son­al­i­ty type are you?

Read the rest of this entry »

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