
Deutsche Firma entwickelt starke Handybatterie mit einer Lebensdauer von 20 Jahren

The youth sec­tor is what makes up the largest pop­u­la­tion of inter­net users. Accord­ing to the lat­est study by Yahoo! and ad agency Carat Inter­ac­tive, teens and young adults choose to go online rather than watch tele­vi­sion or talk on the phone. The study, which was enti­tled Born to be Wired, found out that peo­ple aged 13 to 24 spend an aver­age of 16.7 hours a week online, exclud­ing e‑mail. Most of the gad­gets that teens use are lap­tops and mobile com­put­ers. The trend is expect­ed to go up and if that hap­pens, expect to hear clam­our for longer-last­ing bat­tery. The biggest hin­drance for any­one who wants to be in front of their lap­tops or mobile com­put­ers is the gad­gets’ bat­ter­ies. And a Ger­many com­pa­ny might just have found a solu­tion to this peren­ni­al problem.

Come 2015, teens will have more time on the inter­net, any­time and any­where they want. Ger­man indus­tri­al firm Youni­cos and renew­able pow­er util­i­ty com­pa­ny Wemag AG has recent­ly signed an agree­ment that will put up a 5 MW lithi­um-ion bat­tery park in West Meck­len­burg. The bat­ter­ies will be sup­plied by Sam­sung SDI and each unit will come with 20-year guar­an­tee. For starters, lithi­um-ion is a type of recharge­able bat­tery that is com­mon on portable gad­gets. This includes smart­phones and lap­tops. The first batch of the bat­ter­ies is expect­ed to be fin­ished by 2014 and among the firsts that will have them are peo­ple from Schw­erin.
With a 20-year guar­an­tee on your bat­tery, no need to wor­ry if the gad­get over­heats. You will be able to do your thing as long as you want to. You can play World of War­craft, pok­er, Assassin’s Creed or oth­er com­pelling video games all day. Video gam­ing is one of the biggest rea­sons why teens are locked on com­put­ers. One of the games that peo­ple (most­ly young adults) play on mobile com­put­ers is pok­er. The online ver­sion of the card game has this imper­a­tive effect that is also felt on RPGs. Pok­er games on web­sites like par­ty­pok­er are nat­u­ral­ly excit­ing and fun that some peo­ple don’t notice they have been in the game for five straight hours. There are also web­sites that offer tour­na­ments that give peo­ple the chance to qual­i­fy for big pok­er stages name­ly the Euro­pean Pok­er Tour, World Series of Pok­er, and World Pok­er Tour. Some of these tour­na­ments fol­low a marathon for­mat that can last for up to 24 hours.

Aside from the inter­net users, anoth­er par­ty that will ben­e­fit on the Li-on deal is Sam­sung. There’s a big bat­tle on smart­phones. Philip Hierse­men­zel from the said Ger­man firm said that “Sam­sung SDI’s 20-year guar­an­tee will be the game chang­er” and that it will make the com­pa­ny more “bank­able.”

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