
Wer wagt den Selbstcheck?

My def­i­n­i­tion of an ide­o­log­i­cal or reli­gios fun­da­men­tal­ist (or the one of Thomas Binder)
(1 out of 5 cri­te­ria is enough):

  1. Who sees his “truth” as the absolute and only one pos­si­ble and right.
  2. Who sees mem­bers of his “group” as a pri­ori bet­ter peo­ple than mem­bers of oth­er “groups”.
  3. Who accepts a sig­nif­i­cant restric­tion of the free­dom of oth­ers for win­ning his own freedom.
  4. Who wants to put laws giv­en by his leader / prophet / “God” over the (human made) legal laws.
  5. Who can’t (also) laugh about him­self and about his leader / prophet / “God”.

Source: Thomas Binder on Face­book

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