
Nicht schlecht, aber…

Q1. In what bat­tle did Napoleon die?
A. his last battle.

Q2. Where was the dec­la­ra­tion of inde­pen­dence signed?
A. at the bot­tom of the page.

Q3. Riv­er Ravi flows in what state?
A. liq­uid.

Q4. What is the main rea­son for divorce?
A. mar­riage.

Q5. What is the main rea­son for failure?
A. exams.

Q6. What can you nev­er eat for breakfast?
A. lunch or dinner.

Q7. What looks like half of an apple?
A. the oth­er half.

Q8. If you dip a red stone into the blue sea, what will it become?
A. wet.

Q9. How can a man go 8 days with­out sleeping?
A. no prob­lem, he sleeps at night.

Q10. How can you lift an ele­phant with only one hand?
A. you will nev­er find an ele­phant with only one hand.

Q11. If you had 3 apples and 4 oranges in one hand, and 4 apples and 3 oranges in the oth­er hand, what would you have?
A. very big hands.

Q12. If it took 8 men 10 hours to build a wall, how long would it take 4 men to build it?
A. no time at all, the wall is already built.

Q13. How can you drop a raw egg on a con­crete floor with­out crack­ing it?
A. Any way you want, con­crete floors are very hard to crack!

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