
Two Babies Talking in the Womb

The source of this text about two twins, a skep­tic and an opti­mist, is Pablo J.Luis Molinero, and it is in his book “Mor­phogeny”.

Two fetus­es talk to each oth­er in the womb. One is a believ­er and the oth­er is not.

Athe­ist baby: And you? Do you believe in life after birth?
Believ­ing baby: Sure. It is obvi­ous that there is life after birth. And we are here pre­cise­ly so we can get strong and ready for what awaits us after that.
AB: It makes no sense. There is noth­ing after birth. Can you imag­ine what life after birth might look like?
BB: Well, I don’t know all the details. But over there, there will be plen­ty of light, plen­ty of joy. And, for exam­ple, we are going to eat with our mouths over there.
AB: What non­sense! We have our umbil­i­cal cord that feeds us. And yet, no one has returned from that oth­er life. By birth, life is sim­ply ended.
BB: No! I don’t exact­ly know what life after birth is like, but we will def­i­nite­ly see our moth­er and she will take care of us.
AB: Moth­er? Do you believe in moth­er?? And where is she?
BB: But she’s every­where! She sur­rounds us! Thanks to her we live,and with­out her we are noth­ing. She takes care of us at every moment.
AB: This is absurd! Have you ever seen her? Me nei­ther! So she obvi­ous­ly does not exist. And if she does exist, why does­n’t she man­i­fest herself?
BB: Well, I do not agree. Because, sometimes,when every­thing is qui­et, then you can hear how she sings … feel how she caress­es our world … I am sure that our real life begins after birth.
AB: Well, I’m con­vinced that there is noth­ing after birth. That is all irrational.

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